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All businesses experience growing pains, but the focus of this blog is on small businesses. Small businesses usually lack the resources of larger businesses. Not just financially but also with systems and processes.

Growing pains for small businesses can be especially painful for several reasons and often come down to a lack of preparation and communication.

Let’s start with identifying the five stages of growth

  1. Idea/start-up/existence
  2. Survival
  3. Success
  4. Take-off
  5. Maturity

Many of the growing pains start to happen between survival and success. That’s when decisions on how to grow and how to finance that growth start to pop up and continue throughout the stages. Systems and processes that are already in place become stretched and adding staff becomes a necessity.  Up to that point, small business owners are wearing a lot of hats, and not only control but also tend to be a part of everything that is going on. That’s not a great recipe for balancing personal and professional goals. Growing also means giving up some of that control through delegation, which can be very hard to do. However, without delegation, small business owners and leaders become a limiting factor to the growth and future success.

Here are a few steps to take to prepare for your growing pains and make them less painful.

Clear vision

Will the current systems and processes support growth?

Key roles & responsibilities


Grow smart, not fast

Learning to say no

Become a better leader and build future leaders.


Be nimble  

Additional thoughts.

Growing pains are all part of growing. However, with proper planning and foresight, the pain can be minimized and even appreciated for what it represents.

Stay green & growing and remember progress not perfection!

Image of Bill McDevitt with Top of the World Coaching - Professional Business Coaching

About Bill McDevitt

Hi! I’m Bill, a small business coach and founder of Top of the World Coaching. No matter what stage your company is currently in, I want to help you grow and develop as an entrepreneur, franchise owner, or business executive. 

I’m passionate about helping business owners and executives succeed. I am skilled at coaching business development, growth, and profitability to all levels of entrepreneurs and executives. 

Whether you’re a seasoned executive or a budding entrepreneur, I can help you attain your goals by implementing a strategy that works. Your success is my success. Let’s work together to develop a strategy that will improve your company’s ROI. This will let you spend more time focusing on developing your business instead of working inside your business.

If you want to reach out to Bill McDevitt (Field 1 Post Trusted Sales Partner), please contact him by clicking here.

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Need More Information?

If you’re looking to promote your business online, digital marketing is the way to go! Contact us today to learn more about our digital marketing services and how we can help your business grow.

If you would like more information about this topic or have questions about any of our services, please be sure to contact us. We would love to help.
